Thanks everyone for your comments. I think i have a solution but want to respond to everyone's good ideas. I took these to heart when trying to find out the right answer.
@Matt K. I appreciate your advice about gravel. City will not allow me to go backwards.
@Account Closed I dont mind replacing the driveway if i thought it were something that would increase my rent. However, i do not think that by spending $10K here will result in a $100/mo increase in rent. As such, i could just buy another house. My goal is to maximize the dollars i spend.
@Matthew Paul This tree is huge. it is a Cotton Wood which is very strong and resilient, however, there is a strong chance that if the construction company will kill the tree if they are not careful. I got 3 quotes and all of them said they would not be careful. They all said that they would in all likelihood kill the tree and wanted me to sign a release of any liability associated with the tree.
@Clay Baxley city said that i would have to get approval from the city planner to move the driveway and i would have to cut the other tree down on the south side of the driveway. This would be considerably cheaper but contractors said it is the removal of the driveway that will damage the tree.
@Marian Smith I did ask the city if i could do something like the self leveling caulk. They agreed but when looking at the driveway it is not level. I believe it is not in good enough shape.
@Michael Boyer - I agree about getting more tree bids. Perhaps i can do it when three trimmers do not have a lot of work. I actually called the city forester and asked for his advice. He gave me the companies that he would typically use. He did give me a lot of good advice to prevent from killing the tree when replacing the driveway.
He mentioned that if I replace the driveway I should :
- Get a trencher a to cut along the edge of the driveway to ensure that the roots are cut as square as possible.
- In general when cutting trees or roots never cut more than 1/3 of the total tree line at one time. If you have to do more, wait 5 years
- only do this work when the leaves are changing colors and the tree doesnt need as much water. Likely fall will give the tree enough time just before it goes dormant.
- Do not drive equipment anywhere near the tree. Most of the time when trees die after construction it is because contractors park heavy equipment around the root base which compacts the soil and suffocates the tree.
- finally he said to get the quote to remove the stump separate. There are companies who grind the stumps only and they would be a lot cheaper than the company who is removing the tree.