Merrit, I understand that we need to be morally responsible in these times and I don't think there's any of us blaming our our good tenants for the situation. I think the blame is aimed at the more short-sited government edicts that don't address those taking the financial hit.
Luckily I have enough reserves to last a while but if this becomes a zero rent scenario then in my situation I'll be paying around $2,500 per month in just expenses (maintenance, taxes, management and insurance). Shouldn't there be some assistance for those of us housing those in need for free? Or, do you believe it is just that we bear 100% of the burden for morality's sake? Would your opinion be a different one if this moratorium lasts 6 months, or 12 months etc.? At what point will we have paid our due to society? Should morality bear our standard when we are unemployed and deciding on whether to hold on to our investment or just let it go so we can feed our family?
Again, I'm not upset about the tenants having issues. They are victims just like us. I'm just asking about when our life-line will get here.