@Timothy Tooker I completely agree with the integrity, and would only put properties under contract that have the key elements required to be a good investment property, and I feel solid about being able to fulfill my commitment on. There are plenty of solid off market opportunities out there of distressed properties with motivated sellers to avoid having to chase deals that are not solid on the numbers. I am 100% up front with all sellers in what I do, who I am and what my intentions are, and my experience thus far is that the sellers appreciate the honesty, and are more than willing to have me help them.
I can definitely see the ugly side of the business where you are taking advantage of sellers, and that has no appeal to me at all. I like it where everyone involved comes out a winner, and we all make some money in the process. after all, our reputation is all we have got at the end of the day.
However, the reason for the out clauses is to protect myself and my business in the event something does go wrong, as I am sure any wholesaler would recommend doing. There would be no hidden agenda, and the seller would be fully aware of what my intentions are and what to expect from me.