Looking to get feedback from investors that are using template investor sites such as Investor Carrot, Lead Propeller, InvestorPro, etc. I know there's a ton of post on this topic but nothing recent (2017).
After carefully evaluating these sites I think they're useful for what they are intended for, lead generation. However, the UI (User Interface) screams SPAMMY, GIMMICKY, SCAM, and possibly something you can catch viruses on! They look like websites from the mid to late 90's. Kinda reminds me of those late night infomercial that says "BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! ORDER NOW AND GET 3 MORE BLAH, BLAH, BLAH" Lol
Don't get me wrong, I think these sites are a great idea for their intended purpose. My concerns are what will your average Joe homeowner think when they visit these sites and they look like this? Most homeowners visiting sites like these already have their back against the wall and are in need of fast help. This is their biggest investment they ever made in their life, so will they approach with caution and resistance due to how the sites look?
Thanks in advance!