What's up peeps? Nothing too exciting to say here, just wanted to put my info out there for anyone who's looking for someone like me. I guess the best thing to do here is to describe who I am, what I want and what I'm doing. This is going to be a long one, so if you're interested, just know that I ramble a lot.
I've always been a hard worker. I started work on my 16th birthday and since then, I haven't really stopped. I actually left my birthday party early to start my first day at McDonalds. I spent a lot of time working in fast food, restaurants, bars and pizza shops, but throughout the years, I've also dabbled in many other areas. I tried to get out of food a few times by doing retail work, but that was just really boring and unrewarding.
I've worked with my mom's company doing digital marketing through web design and social media management. I worked for a tree trimming company for a little while, which led to me starting my own landscaping company. Running that, I was offered a few small construction projects like fence building, demolition and drywall hanging.
Eventually I got to a point where I was basically working 3 jobs - running a landscaping business during the day, working in resturaunts at night and freelancing web work on the side. Then, in 2015 I decided to look into truck driving school and realized I could make a descent income with a lot less work and go to school basically for free. So, I sold my business to pay my bills for a month, quit all my jobs and spent 11 hours a day, 6 days a week for 3 weeks straight doing that!
Since about March of 2015 I've worked for 4 different trucking companies. I started with 1 year OTR with my wife as a passenger before shifting into local jobs. I did a few delivery jobs for major companies, but eventually landed in the company where I am now. We moved to Texas for about 2 years and I did primarily drip and hook runs. That was nice! However, we eventually wanted to move back to
Florida and I decided to transfer my job. Now, I do a bunch of different things. Sometimes I deliver flowers, sometimes it's furniture, other times I just run a quick drop and hook. It's always different, so it's more interesting, but it's also less stable.
Then, about 3 weeks ago, I watched a video by Robert Kiyosaki talking about how the rich don't work for money. That sent me down the rabbit hole of investor real estate, where I eventually found Brandon talking about house-hacking and Bigger Pockets. Since then, I've started assembling my team. Right now, I've only got my broker and my realtor, but we've just made an offer on our first duplex and things look promising! I think my next steps are to find a CPA and attorney to help me structure everything, but that's why I'm here... to learn for myself as much as I can and to find out who I need to talk to and how to properly vet them. Thank you, Josh! Lol.
So, as you might be able to tell, I've got a lot to say and a lot to learn. That said, I'm not one who likes to think and plan out a whole bunch. Whatever the opposite of analysis paralysis is.. that's more like me! I found a deal that I think will work great for me and I'm moving on it. If things go bad, I can always go back to driving trucks - not that I'm planning on stopping that anytime soon. Eventually I'd like to hit that freedom number, but I probably won't quit working right away. Trucking, especially at my current company, allows me to work as much or as little as I want, so for now, I'm keeping my foot on the pedal! I'll consider slowing down much later.
Anyways, that's a bit about me. Not sure how I can help others here, but definitely interested in meeting other people near me who are doing the same kind of thing. I don't know much yet, but I work hard and get the job done, so I'm sure I can do this. As the saying goes, "There's nothing to it, but to do it!"
Good luck everyone!
Talk to you soon.