HUD is the probably the most well-known agency multifamily product and it does have its uses as it offers the longest term, highest LTVs, and has no equal when it comes to multifamily construction or signifciant rehab.
However, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac also offer multifamily financing and both offer terms comparable to HUD, but with less cost, more loan options, yet still be able to obtain non-recourse financing.
As I mentioned, you can choose a term as little as a 7 year if you're looking for the lowest rate possible or elect to go with a 30/30 fixed-rate if you want.
A big upside to either Fannie or Freddie is they allow you to access your equity at a later date and obtain a 2nd or 3rd. This is a nice feature if you need money for capital improvements or want buy another property.
Also, as I mentioned, they also make it very easy..and cheap to refinance when your loan matures.
For loans in the 1-5MM range, Fannie and Freddie can be a much better alternative to not only a bank, but as we're seeing, HUD as well.
Rich- Hope to hear some good news Tuesday.
Jason- Those are some ugly numbers. I'm actually surprised at the time to refinance as I know HUD has been making an effort to reduce the backlog. Please keep us posted.