@Mayalina Depas
It depends on what you feel you need out of the broker. From what you mentioned, you may want to look for one that offers GREAT mentorship and training. Usually that comes at a price of a lower commission split. 80/20, 70/30 or even less % to you until you feel comfortable. I came into this field having been an investor, so I already had "some" knowledge of the game. BUT.. there is SO MUCH as for required documents, rules, laws, ethics, processes and procedures, that you may find yourself on a daily and HOURLY basis saying things like, "What the heck does THAT mean?" Or like, "Ok, I'm supposed to do this step, but HOW do I do this?!" I am referring to the MANY procedures, processes and software programs available to us that we have to use in order to get anything done. And then one day the brokerage will say they're using a different program than the Realtor Association provides and you have to use that one now. So... again I would say find one that will HELP and GUIDE you. Most Realtors give up within a year and I totally understand why. I'm still in it and don't plan to leave mainly because I am an investor too. I want the tools and also to help fellow investors. And yeah, let me know if you want a referral. I'll try and help guide you if you wish.