Hello any and every one that is reading this post.
First, I am NOT trying to pitch you anything, sell you anything, subscribe to anything, join anything, etc. All I’m requesting is some honest feedback on a survey. Its five simple questions, and it should not take more than 60 seconds…seriously.
I’m debating on scaling my lead generation business so, I need to figure out if there is enough interest in this aspect of the industry.
After years of blood, sweat, and LOTS and LOTS of cursing at the data, I finally figured out how to manipulate the data in way that creates real value for the real estate industry. This is not your "typical" lead generation, the data is not easy to obtain nor is it easily manipulated, but, the conversion ratios are FAN-TAS-TIC. I am my own proof of concept.
In fact, the leads converted so well that I don’t even pay for my own marketing anymore. I have a serious investor who pays for all my marketing and we split the deals. It’s the best arrangement ever…and we have actually become friends.
So, if you have the time to spare, I would seriously appreciate you taking the survey and if you are ever in the Tampa Bay area, please feel free to contact me at any time.
Thank you