@Nathan Witte for me I started with a secured credit card, I got the “discover it” card I put $500 down as a security deposit, and thus $500 was my limit. Point of that is that you can max it out, never pay anything back and discover can’t loose their money. Hence it being a “secured” card. Best part of that card, I still use it. After about 6 months of buying only a tank of gas every month, paying it off after a week, and not using it more than that... discover sent me an email saying that they’re returning the deposit. Because I had a good record they refunded my deposit of $500 (I got a check in the mail) and put my limit up to $1,000 and now it’s a normal credit card. Just doing that I have a credit score above 750. So that’s my recommendation. Not sure how other cards work but that was my experience with the “discover it” secured card. Also, with the discover app you can check your FICO credit score for free whenever you want, and Credit Karma checks Transunion and Equifax so that way you can keep track of three of the major credit bureaus