Realtors, unless also investors, often will tell you property can not sell for will not sell for what you think you can buy it for. Sometimes they are right, sometimes they are wrong. You want to be looking at enough offers and making offers that if they say no on an offer it doesn't matter as you are onto the next. There is a wide range of realtors with different experiences and you should only be dealing with one that has real, some will tell you they have experience with investors and don't, real experience with investors.
Funding. There are many areas that you can get funding and ways to fund a deal. You may want to go to an REI meeting or contact different people to find an investor that is looking to retire and see if any of them are willing to sell a property to you on a land contract. Then the investor selling it to you is basically the bank. I have sold properties of mine this way to people that have proven to me they were worth the risk and made good money this way and it was mutually beneficial to both of us. If you can do the work, and the deal is good, you can look into hard money lenders. Just do your due diligence that you can turn the place around. Anything you can't do, it is harder to get contractors to help with these days. So you want to plan that out as you will be paying a higher interest rate over a shorter term. You get the work done and you could sell something nice in a market that is very hot now.
If you are having trouble selling look for more avenues to sell your property to get the word out on the one you already have. Loopnet is a place investors list deals. You can list deals here. You can even list houses for sale on social media. Let people in your area know you have a place for sale at local diners and other places. As an investor, you will always get cards in the mail from wholesalers looking to buy from investors looking to hang it up or just want to get out of it. It goes with the territory. I throw those away with credit card deals and other junk mail if they are offers on places way below what I could sell to one of my renters or someone else in the area.
Keep your chin up, my friend. There are a lot of ways to make real estate deals happen. Network with some other real estate investors in your area to help get even better advice for the lay of the land there. I know investors that were in it and got out of it, and are now back in, and if they had just a different perspective earlier on they would have been a lot further on today. You can do this!