One thing to consider when you are doing it yourself or having a property management company is where your market is. I have tons of rentals in northeast Ohio and get people from out of state that wants to invest there because the numbers of rent to what people make ratio is so good in different areas. However! Finding really good property management companies in, say, Cleveland, can be a lot harder than in other areas. If you want to be more of a business owner/investor you do want to go more the property management route if you can. Different areas do make this easier or harder. So you do want to do your due diligence as there is a vast difference in the quality of property management companies. A person that say they can do property management is almost like someone who says they can paint, a lot can do it, but few do a real quality job that won't end up being more trouble than they are worth. So look to find the right ones to find the right deals.
In reference to the stock market vs. real estate, since I invest in both, the advantages of real estate go beyond tax advantages and just ROI. There are so many different ways you can make a deal happen if you are able to work to make it happen. I have helped workers, with not the best credit, that now no longer work with me get their own rentals by finding other investors that wanted to get rid of their rentals and willing to sell them on land contract. Just one example of many, but part of the advantage of real estate is there are often many ways to get a deal done and have someone else pay for your investment.
The big thing is action. When I was younger I taught some financial skills to some run away and homeless teens as an Americore member. A couple that sat in that class listened to what I said about what some were doing to take over a property, rent it for more than a person who couldn't sell it for bills were, and put it under contract to buy. I am not explaining quite right, but I did not go out and do that as a young 20 something and they did. They ended up financially free much younger than me as they went and put that plan into action and the money they made off those deals they saved and put into other deals. I am fine and happy with that as I helped some people out as I also help people with credit and other things that have now bought their first house or got out of debt. It is good to pay things foward. I digress.
Long story short, and sorry for getting off track, yes you can make more money. Also, people will always need a place to live, they may not always need to have money in stocks. There are a ton of reasons I think real estate is a good place to be. Sorry for the tangents. Lol.