I am working my way through "Start With Strategy" by Dave Meyer, and I am enjoying it a lot. It is so helpful for me to really get a grasp on our current reality and plan for our future. However, it is mostly geared toward a person who has a W-2 job themselves, which is not the case for me, so there are some applications that I am finding confusing. My situation is this:
I am a stay-at-home mom with a 4-year-old. I have a fair amount of time to dedicate to real estate. I consider it my part-time job and give it 20-30 hours per week. Right now that is primarily education and finding deals.
We don't have any liquid capital. Zero. We are barely making it on my husband's factory job. (I am already working to trade my time for others' capital through networking at my local REIA.)
My husband's job is AWFUL, but it has great benefits, and he cannot switch jobs right now. It is my goal to get him out of this factory by the time he turns 55 in 2 years. He has a hefty profit-sharing account that he cannot touch until 2 years after he retires, so the sooner he retires, the sooner we should be able to use some of that for investing in real estate.
My husband is very supportive of me in the real estate journey, but it is not really his thing. I don't see him having a full-time role in it one day when he retires. He is more likely going to go back to school for a master's and/or find a fulfilling career, but we have no idea what that will look like or how much money he will make.
How do I construct my time horizon and my risk capacity? I will risk a ton to get him out of his job, but once he is out, we need to be able to support ourselves and take care of our daughter. I don't plan to stop actively investing for at least 10-15 years, and that is my job. I just don't know how to structure this since we are talking about his time horizon and mine together, but separately.
I would appreciate anyone who might help me work through this, but please only people who have read the book and understand Dave Meyer's concepts and teachings. Thank you!