Hello to Everyone on BG! quick question that I need some advice on, Ive been undecided if i should become a real estate agent, real estate investor or both. I got into real estate because I have been working as a laborer and managing my father's construction company for the last 4 years, I'm 21 years sophomore/junior in college studying marketing and accounting. i just don't know if i should become an agent or start investing, my real question is should i consider being an agent, will it benefit my real estate career? or should i avoid the whole agent thing and get into investing. I found a great agency that i feel comfortable in, with like minded individuals very positive and hungry attitudes. on the other hand, all though my father is very knowledgeable when it comes to construction,flipping and renovating right now we are a small business in need of capital to expand. I see great potential working with my father as my contractor and me being in charge of the investments and management. Can i do both? should I do both? I don't know if me becoming an agent will really benefit the outcome or will it?
Please leave any advice, experiences and opinions! thanks it will be highly appreciated.
sincerely, Steven Betancurth