Originally posted by Michael De La Nuez:
Originally posted by Rich Weese:
You'll be able to research on BP and other places for info and reports on EWI and Jeff. You then decide how excited you are about it. If this was just a plug for it, that won't be received well. Many first time posters have ulterior motives.... Hope that is not you. Rich.
Thank you for the welcome. I am sorry but I do not know what you mean by "If this was just a plug for it, that won't be received well. Many first time posters have ulterior motives.... Hope that is not you." If you can please clarify so that I can give a proper response. Thank you Rich :D
Although I am not Rich Weese, I understand where his statement is coming from - so I'll chime in, and let him say more when he gets around to it (he's busy with relocating as I understand things). Please note that I am not his spokesperson in any way.
Frequently, a new post will come into the BP forums, and it will be from a first time poster (or poster with very few prior posts) , AND it will praise some product / service / course / whatever. The experts here at BP will post to that effect, to alert others who might not be so wary. EWI may or not be worthy of such praise, and the more experienced investor would probably not speak as highly of EWI as a novice might.
As for these "free" weekend seminars, I have been to a few, not necessarily all from the same training entity. Regardless of the trainer, each one was a platform for an upsell to rather pricy paid training. There are threads here on BP where people have paid for these subsequent trainings, and not been very happy (and there are probably those who were pleased as well). The giveaway usually comes where they ask attendees to get the credit limits increased on their credti cards - to charge the paid training. And when you are at the "free" training, you should be able to notice that the power point presentation slides will have inconsistent background graphics - these are selected slides taken from the varying modules that are to be sold, so you get a flavor for the content of all modules without all of the meat [some of the trainers have caught onto this and gottne their background graphics to look alike between modules].
My suggestion: take the free training and avoid the upsell; more training and info are available elsewhere.