As the one who steered you to start the blog, you know my opinion on that already. And it really depends on what kind of information you are dispensing.
For example, the detailed content on taxation and apartment purchaisng is blog material without question. You get to put down a big chunk of info, and you have more "control" over what is placed onto the blog.
The forums are great when you are looking to stir up conversation or debate, since there is more of an equality among the participants.
So when you are the educator for the topic, I think it belongs in the blog; otherwise, the forum works.
Now, I am still a bit baffled about whether one is permitted to place a link to a blog onto the forums, and what the rules for that would be. Getting more traffic would happen by that crosslinking . I do understand why no crossposting (the copying of content verbatim into two or more places) is permitted. Maybe Josh can chime in here to clarify why Rich has been "moderated" as he mentioned in one of his posts elsewhere in the forums.
Just my $0.02 worth (some of this isn't worth much more).