@Sean Golin it all really depends on your circumstances and goals. As @Kevin Siedlecki mentioned, there are multiple reasons you might want to repay your mortgage
- You don't want to expand and buy more investments (real estate, stocks, etc.)
- You are happy with cash flows after you pay down your mortgage and don't need any additional investments
- You want to reduce your risk and lower your expenses in case tenants move out and you can't fill the vacancy
- You don't think that you can find other investments that will return better than 4.75%
Buying additional properties definitely has the potential of increasing your income. However, it comes with higher risk. For example, if you lose both tenants, your total expenses will be much higher. Can you afford that?
There are a few alternative strategies you might want to consider:
- You can refinance your current mortgage to lower your monthly payments. However, I don't think you can find anything much better now after the rates hiked.
- You can pay down a portion of your mortgage to the level where you feel comfortable you can afford another property and expand slowly
- Buy another property but put down more than the regular 25%
From the timing perspective, we now switched to a rising interest rate environment. If you believe wall street investors then it might make sense to hold on to this mortgage. Here's an interesting article on this subject from one of the more respectful financial bloggers - http://www.financialsamurai.com/mortgage-pay-down-strategy-in-a-rising-interest-rate-environment/
In the end, the real answer depends on your current situation, your expectations of the future and the level of risk you are willing to take.