Tom Goans I completely admire and respect your position. It has obviously worked very well for you.
I am currently in the unenviable position of still being a wage slave, albeit well paid, but still one check away from disaster. If I am to ever break this mold, I must take a calculated risk with leverage.
That being said, I spent a lot of time being "ticked" about having to come up with 20% down. I quickly grew out of that, by seeing the benefits and relative security offered, not just to the bank, but to my own investment. Though I wish I could go all in, it is not practical at this stage.
For example, if I chose 100%, it would take 10 years of earned income and lean living to buy 5 - $50k properties. However, if I can pyramid, reach a goal and start paying off properties by snow balling, I could achieve the level of financial freedom I desire.
I am taking your wisdom to heart and will make that snow ball happen as quickly as possible. To become free and clear.
However, my personal views of the dollar and other world currencies are very dim. (Failed FOREX trader) I see an implosion of the funny money within the coming decade or two. The extreme volatility screams of manipulation on the grandest scale. Aside from the ultra rich and others with heavy positions in metals, I think the rest of us are toast. But than again, maybe you will be able to weather any storm, being free and clear. : ) And while the clock is ticking, I feel like I am in a race to get to your position, before it is too late.
May I ask (and if you want to go offline that is fine), what path did you need to take; goals, strategies, use of leverage until no longer needed, etc, to get to where you are now? Personally, I would love to go to Marco's site (once a week or more), pick a property and say "I will take that one, today." Free and clear.
Best wishes to you and yours and have a great week.