I might be the youngest person so far to make a comment about financial independence but most people look for it no matter the age. For me it's a matter of a vision of things that I would like to do even more so than things I would like to have (sure a car newer than a 01 Malibu would be nice, but my 01 runs).
With the economy being in a state I really don't know how to describe and the "never ending" yet slowly decreasing student loan debt things like being able to travel (Haven't been out of North Carolina much at all), help people navigate the chaos known as credit and having a much broader social life feel like far off dreams. Being only 25, things like that shouldn't feel so unachievable.
I agree wholeheartedly that money doesn't buy happiness, the material goods don't mean happiness in the long run. The relief from financial rat race, the notion of being able to do things for self and/or others without the immediate repercussion of falling back into the debt hole struggling to climb out that a few extra bucks can provide are the things that I think about.