Eviction laws in Minneapolis are tenant-friendly, mostly because of the possibility of freezing to death if you are suddenly put out of your house during winter. (Homeless shelters are full during winter.) The referees in civil court try to set up payment plans and encourage landlord and tenant to settle in conference prior to court hearing.
You usually get a hearing date within a week or two after filing ($364 or so per case). If tenants do not honor terms of payment plan or settlement, landlord then activates the writ. It usually takes the sheriff about a week to show up and escort them out.
Landlords are required to store tenants belongings left behind for 60 days and to surrender them to the tenant when asked for them. However, landlords are allowed to sell belongings (don't know the details of what or when) to cover the reasonable cost of storing said belongings.
Don't know about taxes or insurance on a $100,000 house. I suspect it depends on neighborhood, etc. A licensed realtor should have better answers.