Y'all are bringing up some great points and great parts of town for sure! I've lived in Northside since 2018 and my office hack is right on Hamilton Ave less than a block away from Sidewinder.
Two main comments on the neighborhoods that have been posted here, I'm going to list them under a couple labels that I think will help people understand what's happening in each of those areas right now. Then I have one to add that may surprise y'all!
Later-Stage Gentrification, Prices Already Way Up From 3-5 Years Ago (and climbing): Deerpark/Silverton, Madisonville, Northside, East Walnut Hills
Major Growth But Be Careful Which Section Of The Neighborhood You're In: College Hill, Norwood, Evanston, Walnut Hills
NB I love North Avondale but there's a definite divide between the haves and the have nots there and it isn't changing any time soon. That said, Avondale proper is seeing a lot of redevelopment around the hospitals and the newer developments are pulling rents that nobody would have imagined five years ago.
But my pick for the neighborhood nobody is talking about: Camp Washington!
It has the trendy 19th-century architecture, proximity to the downtown and uptown major employment centers, the arts crowd has moved in, and a couple major apartment redevelopments are full of white-collar Millennial and Gen Z renters paying a premium for loft apartments. That said, you still need to be on the right street or the right block to see big returns right now, but five years from now we'll be having a very different conversation about Camp Washington.
I'd love to continue this conversation about any of the neighborhoods mentions, please tag me in your reply if you'd like to hear more about what I'm seeing in any of these places!