@Lynn McGeein , thanks for asking a question about who's taking climate change into consideration in regards to real estate investments. Would seem a basic question that wouldn't require argument but I knew your question would bring out the Koch brothers/Fox denialists Not everyone is capable of objective thought so it's to be expected.
I am taking climate change into account on my future plans. I like the thought about buying property that will be beach front in 30 or 100 years. Stop for a moment and ponder what exactly that beach might look like... Probably not going to be a vacation hot spot all full of buildings and fuel tanks I'm guessing. Storm intensity isn't likely to lighten too much either since a few feet of water rise isn't going to cool the oceans much at an average depth of 14,000 ft.
There's more to it than ocean rise and hurricanes as well. How about the lack of water in the Southwest and tornadoes in the central US. Floods in Colorado.
I'm going to focus my long term investments on the upper Midwest myself. Plentiful fresh water and tillable land. The great lakes are looking pretty great to me. Can anyone say Detroit! And quite frankly, a few extra degrees in Minneapolis isn't got to make too many people upset.
Nobody really knows exactly how every region is going to be affected by climate change but I'm on board with the ninety some percent of educated science professionals who realize that it IS happening so prepare.
One more thing, as to the argument that insurers aren't worried: