1118 VIEWS E-Mail To Seller
I really appreciate you taking time out of your busy day to share
the details of your business with me. I was not real surprised,
when what you shared, proved, what you had said about the value
and the selling price. It all checks out.
Now, I don't know how to say this but to just come out and say it.
When I mentioned the world "FLIP" to you, I was trying to explain
how since 2008 many investors have gone to this type of an
approach to their lending. Short-term real estate (houses, commercial
buildings and such) buying them right and fixing them up and selling
them, sort-term, fast return investing.
But, I think you have to admit, borrowing $500,000-$750,000 moving
my family to --------, and attempting to increase your annual sales
by another $300,000 or more a year over the next 12-18 months,
knowing that big economical changes in debt, currencies and
de- or inflation are in the works...IS hardly a "flip" of your 40 years of
sweat and blood.
You mentioned there was not a real estate agent. Well, sometimes it
pays to have one, Just so no misunderstandings arise between the
parties. The actual Seller and Buyer. The last transaction I did was
for $500,000 and I (even-though I held an active California real estate
license (20 years, no complaints) I hired an agent and paid him
$30,000. my side, he earned $60K.He had the listing, and he was
worth every penny. If you would be more comfortable, I'm willing
to carry on that way and pay half.
I've always used my real estate license for lending. Many of the
"REALTORS" (they adhere to a higher ethical standard) the ones that
actually knew what they were doing, were border-line.
Okay, next thing. I'm not clear, Why you would have the business listed
for 3 years with a realtor at nearly twice the price and value? Anyway.
Here is my "too honest" take, on what your are doing. How did you
ever propose to "Get Out" of the business, living at the business
and running the guard gate there, as well as sharing your back yard
and driveway with it? I don't get that. You are both kidding yourselves.
So, you say Chuck, WE "want out". The only way I would consider the
sale, is IF you actually do "get out" If your not working is a consultant,
holding existing LLC membership, then even if you handed out balloons,
served cakes and coffee to all glass customers, I would not want you
around. But, that's just me. I see all kinds of potential problems.
I need to know, IF I submit an offer of $750,000 for the entire business,
building, house and land Cash to New Loan, payoff any and all existing
financing. Would you accept that offer. If so, I think I can get it done.
Please let me know. As I said, the sale (including all REAL property
is much more desireable by the lenders and they'd rather fund a larger
loan anyway, than the $250,000 business only sale.
Please advise.
Thanks again sir.