Hi @Carson P. ! Where about is your property? Yes we do see the cash to flow well once moving out. Once we got out the tenants that came with the house, we were able to immediately raise rent by $250 for the next tenant we found. We are actually currently renovating our side to get it ready to move out and get this side rented then too. We will definitely be able to get more rent for this side once its ready! Being only about 5mins from Lambeau I feel helps.
Hi @Andrew Geiwitz! I just signed up for realtor classes that I will be starting at the end of this month. We would like to invest personally as well - as an agent, is there a rule on how many properties you can do that to?
Hi @Scott Rogers! Thank you very much! Yes we made sure to ask around about the area prior to purchasing because we heard the same thing. When we purchased the property, the tenants living here were paying $750, but our new tenant is paying $1,000, we are currently updating our side and plan to ask a little more than that due to our side being a little bit bigger with an additional room and patio doors to the backyard, where the other side does not have.