@Amber Gonion
I can easily understand wha makes you say that. but you must know that while you
gave this post maybe 5 min of reading it, i gave the idea of this kind of agreement a long while
to think and consider every detail of it. I wanted something that would be a fair game
for both sides.
I don't need anyone collecting monies or distributing it to me.
I do need a manger to take care of the house, the convenience living standarts of my tenants
and making it profitable as possible.
if we go with the normal system you get paid one month rent (let's say 900) and then,
once you (as a PM) put a tenant in, and every month 90$, so if you didn't really pay
attention to what you were doing...(maybe you had a bad week or something...I don't know..)
or wanted to get the quick cash cause your son needed a new PC that month ...
(again - this is just an example, I am not saying that you are not a professional) ,
and so you sign up the first "OK tenant" that comes along because it is a sure 900$ ,
then it is very possible that after 6 months you need to take care of the tenants'
damages to the house, which not only means at least 1-2 month of vacant house without
rent but also possible damages which tenant left that are not covered entirely by their
who pays for that?
off course. the owner.
Owner pays for repairs, owner looses the 2 months vacancies
(lets say 900*2 = 1800$ + extra 500$ for damages above the deposit, and this is putting
it very mildly..i had it happened to me )
what happens to the PM? he/she looses 180$ for the house not being
rented... but wait, it gets "better "because now the owner needs to pay again 900$
to get a new tenant!
so the bad situation - to translate it bluntly - is actually in favor of PM pockets.
all he/she can say is "this things happen..." and I agree. but you can't tell me you
don't see the conflicts of interests.
So yes. if you are the most honest PM alive - i am sure non of
this ever crossed your mind.
In the agreement i came up with, let's call it "Sharon's agreement" or better "flat fee"
for the sake of this conversation,
the PM has all 100% interest to pick a good - solid - paying - long term tenant
that will reduce his job to a minimum, so the 15% that is paid to the PM
is really for picking the right tenant, maintaining all in perfect order and by doing so,
it keeps both sides on the same team.
yes, before you throw it in, I agree, things can go bad regardless. I agree.
but when they do once, you (as a PM) become more carful the next time - cause it is
in your interest to do that. and not the other way around.
I tell you what,
try to offer this option to some of your potential clients on the phone,
and see how many more you will sign up just by offering this option.
My property manager started to offer it to all her new clients,
she has signed 80% of the new coming calls. her conversion rate before was 20%- 30%
I have no idea to know how accurate are these number but I think you can test it yourself.
like I started the first post here - sometimes people are so used to a specific
system they don't bother to stick their heads out to see if there is something better
to at least try out.