Found a property to invest in, offered the sellers only $1,000 less than asking just for minor items, also asked seller to pay full closing and to close in 30 days. Sellers countered with full asking, only paying 3,500 in closing and they want to push the closing date to December 31st. Thing is I am traveling and won’t be in country. So I countered full asking, they pay all closing and extend closing no impact to January when I am back. Their counter was full asking, they pay all closing $5,500, but raise the price by $2,000. The house is still listed at the full price we offered and we are already willing to extend closing date. I don’t think asking for full closing is unreasonable since they are getting what they advertised the house for....any advice?
Has anyone experienced this....Countered again with best and final...full asking (not the additional $2,000), they pay all closing, and we can agree to their extended closing date request but now in January. Or they close at the original date and pay a pro rated rate of the mortgage and other fees. Waiting on a response from seller..