@Account Closed - I reread your thread - I think some of the others that responded haven't looked up the true definition of a "Short Sale" - it's simply getting the bank to agree to sell the property or their interest in it for less than what is owed - has nothing to do with what the property is worth.
So yes - that would be an option as it would allow them to avoid the lengthy and can be costly foreclosure process. There are redemption periods in KS and a whole host of other things the bank takes into account.
As I alluded to in my message it all depends on who the bank is - if it's smaller or more local or regional there's a chance you can get somewhere - if it's a large national bank or huge mortgage lender then your options are likely going to be more limited - but I wouldnt despair as there would still be other options such as securing redemption rights if the bank forecloses etc.
I've not completed a short sale purchase as I got tired of the time it took (wished I would have waited as long term it would have turned into a good deal for me - but live/learn) - but have completed the whole purchase redemption rights, redeem a foreclosed property etc. Would love to help.
The way to start is getting ahold of some of the foreclosure docs/case file (if there was a previous foreclosure) you should be able to find the case # and go down to the courthouse and get ahold of it - they used to email those out but not sure if they still do. I have the # to call down at the courthouse saved in my phone. If you have a relationship with the seller you should be able to get some of this information. In KS depending on how long someone has lived in the house and how much they have paid off of the original principal determines how long a redemption period the present mortgagee would get by statute. Anyways - lots of moving parts but simple enough to figure out with the right info. If it's as advertised seems like a great opportunity.
Or if there is truly that much equity in the house just purchase outright from her at a price she deems is fair etc -- multiple multiple ways to skin a cat or in this instance solve a problem.