If the candidate I vote for loses, I don't see me doing anything except running my business as always. I do want McCain to win, but only time will tell.
The thing that gets me is that if a Republican mentions National Security he is labeled as trying to instill fear. The only reason it has brought about such a firestorm is because the Obama camp knows they do not have an answer to that. Even the most Socialistic leaders in Europe know how dangerous of a policy Obama has talked about.
As far as a bi-partisan cabinet, I believe it!! And I believe he will take public financing, that noone making under $300K ( I mean $250K, or $200K, or $150K) will pay more in taxes, that he didn't know what was being preached in his church, and that he didn't know Ayers that well after the 15 years they have been associated.
The guy can give a great speech. If he were to want to, he could drive Tony Robbins out of business as a motivator. But look at his record. He has never initiated anything that was bipartisan, and never been involved with something that was controversial. Voting present isn't voting. His own party has pointed out his flaws and the dangers all along.
Last, I don't trust any of them that tow the party line. That is one reason we are in the mess we are in now. A democrat will never call on a democrat to resign, confess, or shape up.
Just my 2 cents.