Great Move-In Ready Property On a Quiet Street
614 Chester Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15214 - $54,900
Nearby Single Family Properties in these 3 blocks tend to sell between $68,000 and $80,000
Rents estimates are $1,000 (Zillow) to $1,038 (Rentometer)
Overall the property is clean and move in ready. It has been very well maintained.
Please Note: The Reduced Price in comparison is due to the fact that the seller is looking for a quick sale. Also, there are not a lot of houses that have sold by this house in the last 3 years.
What the House Has:
- 3 Bed Rooms
- 1 Full Bath
- Large Living Room
- Great Fireplace
- Strong Foundation
- Fenced in Back Yard
- Internal Garage
- Double Lot
Houses that Sold on this Block
651 Chester Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15214 SOLD $66,300 on 6.14.2016
606 W Burgess St, Pittsburgh, PA 15214 Listed $72,000
3 RUSSELL ST Pittsburgh, PA 15214 Listed $77,000
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