Yes, personal finance should be taught, however, grade school is getting a little ahead of things, the math skills aren't there yet to go into evaluating opportunity costs, differences in interest charges or the maturity to concepts of priorities of a car payment or insurance or rents or life insurance, I doubt the average 6th grader would get it.
Simplistic ideas of products, costs, profits and business should be taught, from the time they are old enough to have a kool aid stand.
I'm speaking from a position of teaching the subject, elementary school is pretty objective, facts are taught, business and finance quickly get into subjective thinking which really isn't developed as to making choices until the 7th and 8th grade as well as the math skills needed to apply concepts.
Personal finance includes understanding investments vs savings, a 5th grader can get savings, but not yields of mutual funds, IRA advantages, what types of risks should be insured and why, comparing insurance, how and when to borrow......heck, we have adults who can't get it and why it should be required in high school.
I'm not sure there would be enough basic information that could make up a class for 45 minutes 3 days a week ( like my Spanish class) over a school year.
IMO, the introduction should begin at the 7th grade.
Can you believe it, some kid can go to medical school and never have to take a finance class! Dentists and young doctors are the favorite targets of insurance salesmen, stock brokers, Realtors and others selling financial products, and unless they took some classes as electives, they are on their own.
It doesn't matter what your kids end up doing, wealth can be built over time from almost anything, the key is in making good personal finance decisions, if you can't do that you're sunk regardless of what you do. :)