@Joe Villeneuve
Yes the article speaks of Wayne County, which is a lot more than just Detroit, but the numbers it uses are skewed by what's going on in Detroit.
My point is that the article only looks at a single metric to determine the "best" market. If that's all you're going to go by, then you're probably going to end up in the worst part of Detroit. I'm sure it's not the only thing you consider or else that's where you'd be too. Like you say there's plenty in the area that's not Detroit proper. And there are people predicting a rebirth for Detroit, which will certainly help the outer areas as well. I hope they're right this time, even if I never invest a dime there.
I'm not trying to say SE Michigan isn't a good place to invest, just that there's more to look at than what's in that article. Like Fox Mulder, "I want to believe" :-)
I used to chuckle at people here in Maryland who'd say something about how horrible Detroit is when I mentioned I used to live out that way. "You're dumping on Detroit? Have you ever driven through Baltimore city? You've got plenty of your own problems." (For the record, Baltimore has plenty of great stuff too.)