Good ideas all.
I forgot to give you my process:
[list]1. I also listen to them on the phone. Is it "busy" in the background with yelling and screaming going on?
2. Do they arrive on time (I also notice their car, which does tell you a lot).
3. Who comes with them to the appointment? I get women calling and saying the apartment is just for them and their 2 kids and then 1 man and another woman also show up.
4. They must fill out an rental application and I charge them $25 to process the application (the service charges me $17).
5. The service gives a listing of credit, criminal, and rental history via the web in about 30 seconds.
6. Just like TC, I am not as concerned about the credit as I am about their income.
7. I then call their existing landlord and employment.
8. Also, I want to know and really understand why are they leaving their current apartment. When someone says that they need to move in immediately, I get very suspicious (think eviction or just laziness).
9. If they are on public assistance, I want to personally speak to their case worker to confirm this apartment will work for the tenant.
10. If they ask for any financial payment plans or other, I am very skeptical and will probably not rent to them.