@Jeremy Blackowl Jeremy - Focus is the key and it sounds like you have it. I was in your shoes years ago leaving the Army from S. Korea.
Nine top reasons why PM is a great business!
1. It's commission driven not hours based
2. Property management is easily monitored and recordable
3. You can build an asset that can easily be purchased or sold
4. Banks will lend against rent rolls (60%)
5. Property management provides a constant income stream
6. There are no debtors in property management
7. Virtually recession proof
8. The business is a necessity because people need shelter
9. There is room for major improvement in this industry
1) Join NARPM www.NARPM.org. Join NOW - attend a conference. Tell EVERYONE there you are newbie and you will find 100 mentors.
2) Consider working in Property Management for a year or two under another broker. Do it in stealth mode. If you tell them you want to learn everything from them and then start your own company to steal food off their plate, no one will hire you. I would not.
4) Maybe look into a Joint Venture with a company / person that you can do management for them while they handle all of the sales.
5) Bootstrap it. You can live lean and set up a great looking business without a lot of cash up front.
How do I know any of this? I did it all right and wrong with the list above. But, we have a great business and thankful for it.
Should you want to connect with me off-line - hit me up via PM. Take care!