Thank you Mr Klaus, Mr Hamilton.
I want to lease it to a nut farmer for a flat fee once a year and forget it and go do other pursuits. Like a 30 year Triple Net lease.
If I lease it for a percentage of the crop, or a percentage of the farmer's profit, I may get more money, but every year I or my children may worry if the farmer is under-reporting his harvest, or reporting a farm loss.
I think the farmer will not like the percentage lease either. Agricultural technologies advance everyday. The farmer may worry that I will question his farming technique and offer my suggestions on how to farm better. Too many cooks in the kitchen. He may also resent that I will suspect his under-reporting without proof.
I just as soon lease it and forget it.
The one thing that is even more worrisome to me is when I or my children wants to sell, or the farmer wants to buy the land below his trees, but I don't like the price he is offering for it. Suppose I want to sell the land to someone else. Let someone else become the new landlord for the farmer. Well, during the time I wait for a new land buyer, (1-2-3 years, land sells slowly), the farmer gets pissed off because his offer to buy land was rejected for being too low. He decides to retaliate by trashing his farm, weed everywhere waist high, trees all sick with disease, irrigation system vandalized, etc. etc. In the case of percentage rent, his reported profit or reported harvest goes way way down. He can make my land very very undesirable, unappealing to any other prospective land buyer. He can make my land utterly impossible to sell for a decent price. This is my big worry. This scenario is what I want to prevent in the initial set up of the 30 year lease.
Can you please suggest how I can prevent this scenario? Thanks. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks, BP experts.
Sorry. I copy and pasted some of this post. But I just wanted to ask again for help.