I came across this interesting article in the Financial Times recently.
The basic premise of the article is while home ownership is falling among US citizens, among immigrant families, the rate is high and has been increasing steadily.
"Although they represent close to 13 per cent of the US population, immigrants accounted for nearly 36 per cent of growth in home ownership between 2000 and 2010," the article says.
"The number of homeowning immigrant households is projected to rise by 2.8m in the decade ending 2020, compared with a 2.4m gain in the previous 10 years.
"They will account for more than 50 per cent of the rise in home buying in six gateway states such as California and New York."
Anyone paying much attention to this in choosing where to invest in the US?
At face value it seems to strengthen the case for states such as Texas, Florida, Nevada and Illinois. In terms of exit, maybe selling could be easy down the track in states with greater migration, especially at the lower priced end of the market.
Would love to hear what others think.