This was excellent to hear everyone's different thoughts, thanks again!
- credit scores both great >700
- the Bs are relocating and sold their home from a way cheaper area so don't want to buy. They have stable but low paying jobs.
- regarding 10% lower rent- were already pretty low for the area and probably the best deal for pet owners. We have about five other applicants that are reasonable.
- they've already agreed to pay a hefty non refundable hold fee, security dep and first and last before move in.
So, here's what things are looking like: there's an additional bathroom we want to add but were planning to wait for after this lease. But, these folks are willing to meet us halfway AND pay higher if it has another bathroom- so, with an extra month well have a contractor put it in - it'll pay for itself with the additional rent these folks are going to pay if they stay 18 months.
Would love to hear feedback- good or bad! On what we decided. Thanks again!