1. Are you running Direct mail campaigns and have they been successful?
Yes and Yes. Handwritten letters tend to work the best.
2. Do you feel like a website is necessary for successful direct mail campaigns?
Yes and No. Can you get some deals off just sending letters and answering calls. Yes, probably so, but your acquisition cost will be much higher. A website is a HUGE credibility factor. PRO TIP: If you didn't want to go the website route, you could always just get a GMB, verify & optimize it, get a domain name and redirect all the traffic to the GMB and that will act as your credibility factor.
3. Are you finding much success with your adwords and SEO campaigns?
Only doing SEO at this time and yes. 95% of our leads and deals are from SEO. Always the most motivated type of leads.
4. Have you seen much success with cold calling?
Haven't done it in a long time but know plenty of guys still doing it with success.
5. Do you notice a need for website with relation to your cold calling business?
See my answer to question #2. Same thing applies
6. If you have a website how did you build it and what would your recommend for someone just starting with a budget of let's say $1000?
Investor Carrot website. Be sure to tweak it, change copy, add pictures/logo, reviews, etc. Don't just use it "out of the box" and not change anything. Also, while it is possible, I wouldn't recommend trying to save a little money and building a site yourself if you have no prior website building experience. You'll waste a lot of time and energy figuring all that out when you could just get a Carrot website and be done for the most part.
Hopefully that helps a little. Good luck with everything.