@Kevin S.
Hey Kevin,
Two strategies for tax liens in real estate are to earn a return on the tax debt or foreclose on properties. Which are you going after?
If the company is selling you the lien cert, then they would not have foreclosed and your are essentially buying a note.
It would probably be good to do some due diligence on the properties which generated the liens to find out:
-Is it likely the lien will get paid off by property owner or first lien holder?
-What return are you expecting on your investment?
-What are the conditions of the properties? (If no one is paying taxes on a property because it burned down, the lack of a structure, or a severely damaged one, would have a big effect on how much one would pay for a note on that property.)
-If you want to foreclose, what is the timeline for when that can happen?
I went to a good meet up in Boulder by Dan Murray a while back. Dan does lots of investing in tax liens in AZ and FL. I'll see if I can dig up his contact info and maybe you could consult with him before making a purchase.