Kassie Carrell welcome to the BP world and best wishes on your new journey. First and foremost you should applaud yourself for wat you have accomplished thus far. Put simply you took action. Whether you're a single mom or dad, taking action seems to be the missing piece to any puzzle and you found it.
As far as what to do, I think you've answered your own question. But let me start by saying everyone has their own taste for different options in real estate so take all opinions and turn it into your own. My taste is buy and hold SFH properties.
What it sounds like you did was a house hack. So that is one option. Where you buy a fixer upper, live in it, fix it, and sell it at a higher price. For me I'd rather do that than just fix and flip (unless you can do it fast). I say fast because today's market price are high so you'll reap the benefits. For longer fix and flips I'm not a fan of because with fix and flip you're playing the market. In other words, you're hoping that with the house you bought and the money you put into it will be far less than what it can sell for at the tile you sell it. Hence why I prefer buy and hold SFH. The second option, could be a buy and hold property. In your situation, I would lean towards something easy to fix and doesn't require major repairs that way you can get someone in faster.
That's my 2 cents for now. There are more options available but I believe the 2 above are the instant wins you can generate.
Best of luck to you. See you at the top.