I have a Absentee Owner list that I market to. I bought my original list about 2 years ago and every 6 months I re-run my list with the same criteria ( 18mth in the past or longer of last market sales date, 60%-100% equity, SFR, etc.) to catch any new leads that now fit my criteria during the six months when I last ran it. Hope that makes sense.
I split the list up to where every lead gets hit once every 8 weeks. At this point my oldest leads ( and the biggest amount of the 1400 which was on the original list that I bought) have been hit at least 7 times.
I am thinking about paying a VA to look up every lead on the tax record and record the most current sales date. Any lead that has a date that is now sooner than 18 months from today tells me that property was sold, has a new owner, and no longer fits my criteria from when I originally bought the lead. I would then import the revised data into my CRM and delete the properties that had a sales date of less than 18 months from today.
The cost to do this would be $280 or about $0.20 per lead. My rationale would be that the money spent could possible be recouped from no longer sending mailers to the leads that had new property owners from when I originally pulled the property leads and therefore no longer fit my criteria. I wouldn't know this information unless the property owner called to tell me the previous owner no longer owned it or if I received the mailer back. I have hit the lists enough time that I rarely get returned mail.
Is this worth my time and money? Just curious of what the forum thought.