@Matt Slykhuis welcome to Alaska. And the first thing you'll learn is the real estate economy is slightly different here. I'm based in Anchorage and have been here almost 20 years so have a very good feel for the market. I do monitor Fairbanks but haven't done much with it because it's almost 400 miles away. We have a cabin in Manley Hot Springs and go to it a couple time a year so we usually visit family and friends in Fairbanks when we are up.
If your handy or can get your contractors put together, their is an aging inventory here that makes decent rentals for the buy and hold strategy. If you want to gain property through pre-foreclosures, let me know, and I can clue you in on where to find info and prequalify a deal as well as how to work with the local trustees office. If you were closer, I would invite you to our investor group. I'm sure there is a small one in Fairbanks. Best way to find them is to find a good deal that's about to be auctioned for foreclosure and see who the guys are that make offers. Here in Alaska, it's informal open bid but you have to have cash or equivalent in hand. Most properties run $75k or more. Hope that helps! Feel free to message me if you have questions.