@Anthony Kondor your road is paved with good intentions, and from your perspective, why wouldn't the home owner want help, want some money in their pocket, relieve the stress, deal with you to make their life easier. Your assuming they are being rational. Typically if they are in foreclosure, there is probably a lot more going on behind the scenes that your not seeing. Death in the family, divorce, job loss, etc...compound that with the deluge of creditors calling and mailing, not to mention the investors and realtors just wanting to help them in their moment of need and you start to kind of understand the people your going to be working with.
They are highly sensitized, bordering on paranoid, overwhelmed, stressed to the max and most have shut down and are burying their heads in the sand waiting for it to get better or fix itself. Most people do not choose to live this way, it's a series of circumstances that has created it, whether by poor choices, life in general, random acts of god, or a combination of all of these.
Generally, there is a consistent lack of knowledge across the board. They just don't know what to do, where to start anymore because it's just all so much to deal with. I myself prequalify potential deals. I don't do mass mailing, I do targeted marketing to individuals who meet my criteria that I think with 90% certainty our company could help them. Being sincere and knowing when to stop talking and just listen is an invaluable trait. Once they do start telling you their story, your gonna get more than you bargained for because you just became their therapist in a way. They probably have been hiding what they have been going through from friends and family due to the shame and stigmatism that's attached to it all, I have a fellow investor who is a realtor who's family owned a construction company. Things happened, work slowed, there was an accident that cost them too much money and then my friend was telling me his parents called the whole family together to let them know the bank notified them of their 30-day vacate because their property had been sold at the courthouse auction. The rest of the family knew nothing about this until that moment even though it takes about 6 months to foreclose on a property in our area.
I hope this gives some insight into what your looking to work with. Put yourself in that position and think about what approach would work to get your attention or make them want to deal with you versus all the rest of the work trying to get their attention.