These post are very informative and quite humorous to say the least and I like that. I know that a lot of people are knocking the rich dad poor dad training but I actually think that it's a great training program if you can afford it. My instructor was a millionaire just from the information she learned by taking the rich dad training. I learned so much this weekend, I learned things like our U.S. $1.00 is only work $0.03 cents. I also learned that we are in big trouble if we don't invest in assest, the stock market and savings are not reliable and that the middle class is disappearing. I learned so much more about asset protection and relief. Maybe you guys are all financial wizards and financially savvy but for me I'm in preschool. Yes the price is steep but you get what you pay for. If I had the money to pay I could be closing a deal today instead of trying to figure out this website and navigate all this free information. So everything has it's plus and minuses. I am very grateful for this site and for all the helpful information and friendly caring people but I would much rather have a mentor helping me holding my hand and walking me thru step by step. That would give me more confidence and more tools. Thank you all for your great insight. Although it's not the rich dad training that I hoped for it is greatly appreciated.