Good income. Continue to contribute to 401k to get the max contributions from your employer. Get rid of the truck payment, by something cheaper with cash or significantly lower the payment. Just pay the student loans monthly as you're doing. Instead of buying a single family residence buy a multi family to live in, this will help in real dollars as well as make you a stronger borrower for the bank.
Don't wait until you have cash to buy a property. Do more research on here because honestly that doesn't make much sense. You'll be waiting around for years before you even get that first property. You have to use leverage, at least initially. Buy some properties with loans. Don't touch the cash flow except for expenses or to buy more properties. Once you get a couple and you have enough cash reserves you can start implementing the snowball strategy and pay them off sooner if you want but use leverage to acquire them first.
Everyone has an opinion and here is mine. Max out your 30yr conventional mortgage bullets. These should cash flow well so will be less risky. After this you will get portfolio loans of the 5yr amortized over 20yrs variety, use the cash from your 30yr note properties to snowball against these shorter term loans.
Read up some more on finance and stuff to wrap your mind around those concepts. Should help ease your worries about leverage