A few tips from my personal experiences and mistakes.
Quickbooks online. It's the standard. Everyone says it, nobody listens, including me. I didn't use any bookkeeping my first year. Then used an accountant and Xero. That was ok, then I switched to QB and a bookkeeper that only works with investors. It was a bear to get everything fixed in xero then even worse to get switched to QB but the future is bright in that regard, finally. Track, track, track the numbers. This is the information and knowledge that will lead you to growing your business.
1. You need a purchase agreement (don't always need or will work with an agent)
2. Ask him the best way to structure your business. Discuss your short and long-term goals. I'd say he will recommend just a sole prop with insurance until you have some assets. Just my uninformed hunch, no advice there.
3. Your lawyer and accountant may not see eye to eye on your structure, their recommendations are based on different goals and outcomes. Decide what is best for you.
4. Use excel to manage any rentals or rehabs. Get organized as best as you can in the beginning, make sure to grind and continue improving these as you learn. Don't get caught up in new shiny object syndrome with all the technology, KISS in the beginning.