I own real estate outside of CA, both in the country and internationally but have chosen to rent in Hermosa Beach due to the high cost to buy a home in coastal southern California.
The apartment complex I live in was bought April 1st by an private equity company who gave all the residents a 60 day notice to vacate so they could due a total rehab.
They are offering two months of rent as compensation (around a total of $3 for me). Last week, I learned about Section 8.52.110 which is an LA County regulation requiring an owner to compensate residents they are evicting through the Ellis Act (no-fault) anywhere between $7k and $20k depending on the number of rooms in the apartments and the age/disability of the resident being evicted.
I believe Hermosa Beach follows this rule, the city lies within LA County, but can't verify with anyone from the City if the City has a rule that supercedes the LA County rule.
Can anyone with knowledge of this rule and how it is applied point me to a website or other source of information that would answer this question?