There is a bit of "pent up demand" from several new and experienced investors who usually attend networking meetings here monthly. I just put this together to do some cross-talk and make some introductions to some of the investors and those interested in investing in our area.
The second Tuesday of the month is when the regular meetings happen. Get more details at
1. Introductions [Keep it short. What do you do besides RE? Family? What do you do for fun?]
2. Share any Wholesale deals you have to offer. [ No deals are approved or recommended. Due diligence is the buyer's responsibility.]
3. Ask for and offer recommendations. (Please, pace yourself if you are "building your team." If you go down your list and ask for recommendations for every key member of your team and try to build it all at once, it appears very self-centered. Be respectful of everyone's time.)
4. Share a success story. [Keep it short if possible. Focus on a few key takeaways that were surprises or unexpected.]
All of these are voluntary and as applies for those who can attend. If any of these agenda items don't apply, no big deal. We can always learn something or get to know people who can help with our investments just by "being in the room."
See y'all soon!