You can find 30 year terms for properties and mortgages in your personal name all day long, but they are extremely rare for properties held in an LLC. I do all my business in an LLC(s) and I'm happy when I get good 20 year terms. You get nice equity building at payments that still allow good cash flow.
I wouldn't give up the benefits of my LLC for 30 year terms at this point in my investing timeline. However, I did do that when I first started and I had very little in the form of assets to protect. Each of us has our own personal financial picture and level of assets to protect. That's what makes the "right answer" different on a case by case basis.
People often use the expression, "there's no right or wrong answer," but I think the right answer is the answer of what's the best thing that fits your personal financial picture. Your personal legal and tax advisors who have intimate knowledge of your personal situation can help you find that "right answer."