Here are my 2019 Returns. I calculate them the same as I did last year. My cash on cash includes all closing costs and everything up front into the deal.
COC Return -13% (that is negative 13%)
Return with principle paydown not expensed -8% (again negative)
Actual cash lost out of pocket $ 3024.00. Blechh.
Here are some take away lessons from this one in 2019
- With a long vacancy it really gets ugly. It was almost $1100.00 in just keeping the place up while empty. Mostly utilities and mowing.
- Repairs are surprisingly high for a "newer" house. I have had a tenant in there since July and there have been 3 maintenance calls for around $240 each. Just different little things that need to be fixed up. I always planned on this number being smaller for the first few years because of how extensive the rehab. Spartan's maintenance estimates are definitely way low ball. My other house with them is similar with high maintenance expenses (sewer problems).
- The silent killers. While all this years turmoil was ongoing with this property the real killer is the county's aggressive property tax hike combined with the reduction in rent income as we had to lower the rent to get a tenant in. With that compression, even if i had a year without any maintenance or vacancy i wont hit my minimum 'hoped' for.
-The positives.........crickets.............check back in a year and we'll see.