To add to the great advice from previous posters, inquiries alone will not affect your credit score that much, and the Fico scoring system counts auto or mortgage inquiries made within a short period of time as one because of the allowance for rate shopping. You will need to start building your credit and your first step would be obtaining your credit reports from each of the three major credit bureaus: Experian, Equifax and Transunion. Once you have your reports, look for any errors, accounts not belonging to you, etc, then start contacting the creditors to correct the errors and/or delete accounts not belonging to you. If you already have credit cards, use them responsibly by letting only one card report a small amount under 10% of your limit then pay it off in full before the due date. If you don't have credit cards, you may want to apply for at least two, then use responsibly as stated above. Do these and watch your credit score soar. Having an excellent credit profile will help you in this business. Hope this helps