@Arjun P. You are not currently able to give notice for non-renewal.
Non-Payment of Rent Evictions
June 30, 2021 - October 12, 2021
Evictions for non-payment of rent may be filed after 15 or 30 days notice if the tenant(s) are eligible for COVID rental assistance and the tenant(s):
Refuse to apply for assistance through the program
Refuse to provide information needed by the landlord to apply for assistance on the tenant's behalf, OR
Refuse to provide the landlord with proof that the tenant applied for assistance through the program.
However, we will have to pause the case if, after we file, the tenant(s) provide a CDC Declaration (through July 31, 2021) or apply for rental assistance.
September 12, 2021 - October 12, 2021
Authorized evictions are expanded to include tenant(s) who are ineligible for rental assistance. Minimum of 15 days notice will still apply depending on the type of property and future changes to federal law.
October 13, 2021 - May 31, 2022
State-required notice period removed, but notice may still be required under federal law or municipal ordinance. However, no eviction for non-payment of rent may be filed against any tenant with a pending application for assistance.
Starting June 1, 2022
No state restrictions, but federal and/or municipal notice periods may still apply.
Evictions for Material Lease Violations
Starting July 14, 2021
Evictions for material violations of the lease agreement (except non-payment of rent) may be filed without notice (unless notice is required by your lease or subsidy program). These will include cases such as smoking, pets, unauthorized occupants, interference with management rights, etc.
Evictions for Serious/Statutory Violations
Evictions may be immediately filed for cases where the tenant seriously endangers the safety of others, significantly damages property, or violates Minnesota Statute section 504B.171 (drugs, firearms, prostitution, stolen property, harassment). The 7-day notice that was required during the moratorium is no longer necessary.
Lease Terminations/Non-Renewals
June 30, 2021 - October 12, 2021
Lease terminations and non-renewals may only be issued:
At the request of the tenant(s);
Where the termination is due to the tenant seriously endangering the safety of others or significantly damaging property;
If the tenant(s) violate Minnesota Statute section 504B.171 (drugs, firearms, prostitution, stolen property, harassment); OR
For material violations of the lease other than nonpayment of rent
Starting August 13, 2021
Eligibility is expanded to include lease terminations and non-renewals for tenant(s) who are behind in rent and ineligible for rental assistance.
Starting October 13, 2021
Non-renewals and lease terminations may be issued without restrictions.